Greatest Common Divisor
Greatest Common Divisor or commonly known as gcd
of two integers is greatest common integer that completely divides both of them.
means d divides a
Euclidean Algorithm
Problem :- Find
Naive way of doing this would be to just iterate over all integers in reverse order until you find an integer that divides both and .
Time complexity
Intuition behind
Euclidean Algorithm
to solve this problem efficiently
Let's say is some integer that divides both and . Then we can prove also divides .
Proof -
Let's build further intuition on thisproof
. Let be represented as is and is .
Now we can prove that also divides . Here is theproof
Let's see why this helps :
If a number divides both and then it must also divide because
So -
Let's see a concrete example with and :
(First divide by )
(Then divide by )
(Finally divide by )
At each step, we're reducing the problem to finding gcd of smaller numbers
Why this algorithm works ?
Each remainder is strictly smaller than the previous divisor
The remainders keep getting smaller
They can't go below zero
So the process must eventually terminate when we get remainder
The last non-zero remainder is our gcd
Recursive Definition (Euclidean Algorithm)
static int gcd(int a, int b) {
return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b , a % b);
Time Complexity