Bit Manipulation

Bit Manipulation

Bit manipulation is a fundamental concept in computer science that plays a crucial role in various aspects of programming and system design. Some of popular examples include

  • Network Protocols (Handling TCP / IP headers)
  • Graphics Programming (Color Manipulation)
  • File Compression algorithms
  • Cryptography and Encryption
  • Game development (State management)

We all know that 11 byte comprises of 88 bits and any integer or character can be represented using bits in computers, which we call its binary form(contains only 11 or 00) or in its base 22 form. In almost all of the languages int data type integers are represented using 32 bits wherease long are represented using 64 bits

15=11112=123+122+121+12015 = {1111}_2 = 1 * 2^3 + 1*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0
12=11002=123+122+021+02012 = {1100}_2 = 1 * 2^3 + 1*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 0*2^0

For characters, we use ASCII representation, which are in the form of integers which again can be represented using bits as explained above.

Bitwise operators

Bitwise operators are operators as the name imply are used to perform operations on bits. These operators can be classified on the basis on how many operands they operate on. For example - Unary operator require only one operand (ex: Logical NOT) whereas AND, OR, XOR are binary operators.

  • NOT ( ~ ) : Perhaps the most simple operator is NOT operator, which just reverses or complements the bit. i.e if the current bit is 00 it toggles to 11 and if current bit is 11 it toggles to 00.

    • N=17=100012N = 17 = 10001_2
    • ~N=14=11102N = 14 = 1110_2
  • AND ( & ) : Operates on two integers bitwise and returns 11 iff both the bits are 11 otherwise returns 00

    • A=17=100012A = 17 = 10001_2
    • B=21=101012B = 21 = 10101_2
    • A&B=17=100012A \, \& \, B = 17 = 10001_2
  • OR ( | ) : Operates on two integers bitwise and returns 11 if atleast either bit is 11 otherwise returns 00

    • A=17=100012A = 17 = 10001_2
    • B=21=101012B = 21 = 10101_2
    • AB=21=101012A | B = 21 = 10101_2
  • XOR ( ^ ) : Operates on two integers bitwise and returns 00 if both the bits are same otherwise returns 11

    • A=17=100012A = 17 = 10001_2
    • B=21=101012B = 21 = 10101_2
    • AB=4=1002A \oplus B = 4 = 100_2
  • Left Shift ( << ) : The left shift operator (<<) is a bitwise operator that shifts the bits of a number to the left by a specified number of positions. Each left shift effectively multiplies the number by 22 for each shift position.

    a<<b=a(2b) a << b = a * (2 ^ b)
    • Example : 3<<2=123 << 2 = 12
      Binary: 00000011<<2=0000110000000011 << 2 = 00001100

    • Use cases :

      1. Multiplication by Powers of 2:
        𝑥𝑥 << nn is equivalent to 𝑥 * (2n)(2 ^ n)
      2. Bitmasking and Flags:
        Bitmasking is the process of using bitwise operators to manipulate specific bits in binary data.
        Flags are specific bits in a binary number used to represent or track the state of certain features or options (on/off, true/false).
  • Right Shift ( >> ) : The right shift operator ( >> ) is a bitwise operator that shifts the bits of a number to the right by a specified number of positions.

    a>>b=a÷(2b) a >> b = a \div (2 ^ b)
public class BitwiseDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Bitwise AND
        int a = 5;  // 0101
        int b = 3;  // 0011
        int andResult = a & b;  // 0001 (1 in decimal)
        System.out.println("AND: " + andResult);  // Output: 1
        // Bitwise OR
        int orResult = a | b;  // 0111 (7 in decimal)
        System.out.println("OR: " + orResult);  // Output: 7
        // Bitwise XOR
        int xorResult = a ^ b;  // 0110 (6 in decimal)
        System.out.println("XOR: " + xorResult);  // Output: 6
        // Bitwise NOT
        int notResult = ~a;  // 1010 (-6 in decimal)
        System.out.println("NOT: " + notResult);  // Output: -6
        // Left Shift
        int leftShiftResult = a << 1;  // 1010 (10 in decimal)
        System.out.println("Left Shift: " + leftShiftResult);  // Output: 10
        // Right Shift
        int rightShiftResult = a >> 1;  // 0010 (2 in decimal)
        System.out.println("Right Shift: " + rightShiftResult);  // Output: 2